
January 2024

          Do you make resolutions when you start a new year?  This is not something I did growing up, but it has become a tradition for our family.  We like to have a family meeting in which we talk about all that God has done, how He has blessed us, and what we were able to accomplish in the year that has passed.  We talk about triumphs and tragedy.  We talk about success and failure.  We look at how we did with our goals and consider what we would like to accomplish in the upcoming year.  As we plan, we must consider the reminder in Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”  All of the plans we make are subject to our Sovereign God’s ultimate plan.

I am a planner, and I like for things to go the way I have planned.  I often struggle with change.  I also struggle with my attitude when I am wrong.  I hate being wrong.  However, I am failable, and I am wrong, or I fail, or what I do is imperfect.  I have to learn to let go when things don’t go according to my plan.  I must constantly remind myself that God’s plan is always the best.  Failure is a part of life and a great teacher.  I have always avoided failure; however, that is one way I hope to improve my mindset and pass it on to my children.  It may be difficult, embarrassing, or humbling to fail, but it will teach us far more than success.  I also see success in a very limited way.  When I set goals, my definition of success becomes fully accomplishing each to perfection.  I have learned that it doesn’t always happen that way.  Sometimes we need to be proud of our progress.  Sometimes we need to realize that there were other, more pressing, responsibilities or accomplishments that pushed some of our goals out of the way.  If we don’t meet a goal, we can always try again next year.  If we make strides in the right direction, we can try to increase that ability again and continue to grow.  Some things take more time than others.  Sometimes we need to rejoice in short-term failure in favor of long-term success.

This past year was a huge growing year for me; however, I felt like I accomplished very little.  One reason my goals were limited was due to meeting my goal of providing milk for Enoch.  I was able to exclusively pump for a whole year.  We made it to his first birthday with a freezer full!  This was largely possible due to all the help and support from my family and friends.  I cut back on my writing last year, but I think I have found a healthy balance of being present for my family and still giving myself some time to write.  I didn’t get the time or inclination to exercise more last year, but that is one I am hoping to pass on to this coming year.  We were so blessed this past year with all of the help, support, and encouragement with Enoch.  God has been gracious to us, and our whole family is adjusting to the changes well.  

Some of my goals from last year have transferred to this year, especially those related to diet and exercise.  As a family we are trying to be very strict about sticking to Enoch’s prescribed diet.  I am planning to do more meal prepping so that we are able to have quick dinner prep time during the week, making it easier to eat at home.  In that vein, I am also striving to make all of our breads and baked goods (to limit ingredients and added sugar that we are trying to avoid).  I am also trying to move more and intentionally set aside time for exercise, not only for my own health, but also to be an example to my children.  My other goals include setting aside daily time alone in God’s word just for my own spiritual growth (not for any specific class or study),being a more intentional friend, and reducing my unnecessary spending.  Most of these goals are out of necessity.  We need to make our food and home a conducive atmosphere for Enoch to grow and be healthy.  We need to be providing the proper food and creating a culture of a healthy and active lifestyle.  While I have been involved in various Bible studies since my boy was born, I have not had regular times of study just for me.  It is very true that you must care for your own health before attending to the needs of others.  Therefore, my personal time in God’s Word must be more of a priority.  Many of these goals are also related to our overall family goals.  We are all striving to change some of our bad habits or lazy inclinations to those that honor God and are better for our health as individuals and a family.

While I have quite a list ahead of me this year, I am trying to be intentional about sticking to it while also embracing the flexibility of the unknown.  I do not know what the year ahead will bring.  I am sure that there are joys, sorrows, fun, fear, family, and friends on the road ahead.  While I do not know what to expect, I do know the one who is in control of all things.  I can trust that all that transpires will be for the glory of God.  My prayer is that I would embrace all that comes, good and bad, with that mindset.