Learning for a Lifetime
March 25, 2022
Do you like to try new things? Is there a skill you are trying to improve? Whether you are just trying to improve on something you already know how to do or trying something new, it is always a good time to learn. Learning not only gives us a new or improved skill, but it also helps our brain to grow. We are told in multiple places, such as Matthew 22 and Mark 12 that we are to love God with all our minds. This is a continual, life-long process. This means years of studying and applying what we have learned.
First and foremost, women should be learning about their Savior. Too often the church promotes women's Bible Studies that are little more than what I would refer to as love and fluff. There is no doctrine or theology discussed. Just because women are not in a leadership role does not mean they cannot learn. Part of loving God with all our minds includes diving in deep and asking those tough questions. Have you ever talked with a Christian who had different beliefs than you? Did you look at their Scriptural evidence and consider their position? If you have never questioned, defended, or dug for truth, then your convictions are really more like just following what someone else told you. Take the time to find out what you really believe and why. Search and study the Scriptures to know, worship, and love God more.
Pursuing and studying something you enjoy is another way to love God with all your mind. God gives us our abilities and preferences, and we should use those for his glory. I enjoy cooking and baking, so I look for opportunities to learn and practice more! I love to try new recipes and gather feedback. I then use the feedback to try to improve. This is not enjoyable for everyone. Seek out the things you enjoy. If you don't have a job or hobby that you enjoy, look for opportunities to learn new things. Always seek something new to learn. As a homeschooling parent, I have to stay on top of my own knowledge and learning so I am equipped to teach my children. Those math skills I never thought I'd use are about to be what I am teaching. Even if you don't have this push to continue learning, do it for your own mental health. Our brains were designed to learn and grow. Stretch your brainj8q and put it to good use!
Finally, don't ever berate yourself for doing something that you learn later on was not a good choice. This is very common for women who regret choices they made about childbirth and/or child-rearing. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I didn't know what to expect. I read books and studied up, but I was definitely pressured to do things I didn't want to do. For example, during labor, I was offered Stadol. I didn't want any kind of medication, but I was told, "This will just help you relax." Unfortunately, they gave me too much and my daughter was born not breathing. It took them 15 minutes to get her Apgar scores to normal. I fully believe her issue with breathing was due to the overdose of Stadol, causing her to overdose as well. I also gave in to pressure when it came to vaccines. I was told there was no greater risk of side effects by having more than one shot at a time. I was also told insurance wouldn't pay for it if I didn't get them all when they were "due." I have since learned that both of these were lies. The amount of heavy metal in one shot may not be at dangerous levels, but when combined with another shot, it takes the dosage above safe levels. I also learned that you can delay or spread out vaccines and most insurance companies will still pay for that vaccine whenever it is obtained. There are also numerous state and federal assistance programs to pay for vaccines not covered by insurance or for people without insurance. When I learned these things, I felt like a horrible mother for having ignored my "gut feeling". With my son, we delayed all vaccines until after he turned a year old to give his immune system some time to mature before subjecting him to vaccines. Do the best you can with what you know. When you know better, you can do better. Do not use further learning to run yourself down. Use it as an opportunity to mark how far you have grown.
Part of loving God fully includes loving Him with all our minds. Every aspect of our mind, thinking, and learning, should be used to glorify God. Learning can take place in formal, school settings or as a family out in the woods on an adventure. Learn from your friends and family. Learn from others who share differing convictions. Keep loving God with all your mind.