Baby Coming Soon!
November 18, 2022
Babies have been quite the topic of conversation over this past year. I am sure they were a determining factor for many when voting this year as well. Of all of the rhetoric, I have found that there are two main views of babies. The world is pushing a view in which children are a burden. Children are seen as expensive and can thwart your educational or career plans. The Bible tells us that children are a blessing. Children can contribute to the family economy in a variety of ways and can be your motivation to follow through and accomplish your educational and career goals. However, they may also shift your priorities.
I recently heard two DJs talking on the radio about the birth of a musician's first baby. They talked about when their children were born and how it completely changed their lives. Children can switch our priorities, but that doesn't mean we will be less satisfied or regretful of our change in plans. In fact, we see a plethora of people regretting not having children or having abortions at a rate that far outpaces the regret of having children. For years feminism has sold a lie that women will be happier if they do everything the same as men. If they have a career outside the home, they will be more fulfilled than if they stay home with children. However, we see just the opposite. The depression rate in women has increased at an exponential rate, especially among those with full-time work outside of their homes. I know many women who were adamant that they loved their career so much they could never give it up to just stay home with their kids. These same women ten years later cry as they leave their children at school or daycare while they head off to work, longing to be able to just stay home with them all day. Are there sacrifices to be made for a family on one income? Oftentimes, yes, you have to adjust your standard of living accordingly. However, in my opinion, it is so much better for the whole family that it is worth it.
The Bible tells us that children are a blessing. Rather than a drain on our family economy, they can be productive, contributing members of the family. Even young toddlers can be taught to clean up their messes and help maintain an orderly household. As children age, they can help with more advanced chores around the house such as dishes, laundry, and lawn maintenance. Parents are not required to do everything and provide everything for their children. In fact, I would argue that this is a disservice to your children. Completing chores and contributing to the family teaches them not only how to do that task, which they will need to be independent, but also teaches them responsibility. We will not always be there to do things for them, and we want them to be prepared for life away from us. They will not only become valued members of our family but they will be prepared to be valued members of their community, contributing positively to society. In our family, we love and value children. We are so excited to be welcoming a new baby in the upcoming week or so.
We are busy getting ready for the arrival of another son! No one ever knows exactly when the birthday will come, but we are anticipating it sometime after Thanksgiving. I love my role as wife, mother, and keeper of my home. I have enjoyed writing and sharing with you this year, but my primary responsibility is to my family. That task is about to become much more demanding of my time. Due to these upcoming changes, this will be my last writing for the year. I will probably still post a bit on social media, but it will probably be scaled back. We will take our time as we adjust to being a family of five! I will reassess when I am ready to start writing again after the new year.
Stay tuned for a baby announcement soon! We will try to post something relatively soon after he is born. I look forward to sharing some of my ups and downs with you as I learn and grow with my growing family. I feel better prepared with this being my third child, but I also know that each person is an individual with their own unique needs. Just when you think you know what you are doing, your kids surprise you and teach you something new. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year!