Food to Share

October 15, 2021

Food is an interesting thing.  We need it for life, and yet, food is so much more than just nutrition necessary for metabolic function.  There are people on either prescribed or desired diets that pay careful attention to nutrients in food, calories, or other factors when deciding what they eat.  Some people have food allergies and must therefore be more cognizant of what is in the food they are eating.  However, no matter what diet someone is adhering to, people seek to enjoy the food they eat.  Recipes abound for delectable treats without gluten, sugar, nuts, dairy, soy, etc.  Food is more than nutrition.

Food is love.  One of the ways I say "I love you" to my family is through my cooking.  The first thing that comes to mind when a friend has a birthday is food that they enjoy.  I love to cook and bake for others as an expression of my love for them.  My husband's hard work that provides the food we need is another expression of love.  He enjoys his job, but he works hard because of his love for us.  His hard work provides the food we need, and allows me to cook food for when he returns home each night.  

Food is comfort.  There are whole cookbooks written about comfort food.  These may vary from person to person, but they are foods that bring us security in a time of doubt.  They are foods that remind us of home when we are far away.  They help us feel close to others when we are alone.  There is a connection that tastes and smells have to our memories.  When we smell or taste something familiar, when we are surrounded by the unfamiliar, it can bring us comfort.  When I am ill, I seek food that reminds me of my mom and caring.  Sometimes I just want ice cream, other times I remember back to all those evenings sitting in my grandma and grandpa's living room eating ice cream and watching some sort of western or cop show.  A love of ice cream is something I had in common with my grandpa, and it is a great memory of time with him.

Food is fun.  Have you ever made sugar or gingerbread cookies with kids?  I highly recommend the experience.  There is a big mess of cookie crumbs and icing afterwards, but it is worth it.  Kids love to decorate the cookies and be creative with how they do so.  Now, some kids lose interest in the project after three cookies, leaving a couple dozen for mom to finish, but they always look for "their" cookies when it comes time to serve them.  One year, for my daughter's birthday, we made individual cakes and the girls were able to decorate them with a plethora of frosting, candies, and chocolates.  They had such a fun time picking the shape of their cake and then decorating it!  Then there is the experimentation that can go into cooking and baking as you change elements of the recipe to make it your own.  Sometimes it may fail, and you may have to order pizza for dinner instead.  That is fine because it teaches you an important lesson and you get pizza.  However, there are also times when you are pleasantly surprised by a delightful meal or dessert!

Food seems to quietly permeate all we do.  Sometimes food takes front and center, such as at Thanksgiving or harvest celebrations.  Sometimes food is there even when we don't realize or desire it, such as at a funeral.  Invite people into your home and share a meal with them.  You might be surprised at the friendships that develop over food.  It can be simple or elaborate, you can make food for everyone or have everyone bring food, but gathering together for a meal brings people closer together.  Do you find and express love, comfort, and fun with food?  How does food play a role in your life?