She's Got the Wrong Guy 


by Deepak Reju

The title of this book intrigued me.  I well remember being young and single and thinking that marriage would never come.  I was through my first year of college without nary a glance from the guys on campus.  I remember editing my list of expectations because it seemed that they were impossible for anyone to meet.  I held on tight to the first guy who ever called me beautiful.  I also remember the pain and heartbreak of infidelity and finally divorce.  I settled, and I suffered because of it.  That is definitely not what I want for anyone else.  I was fairly skeptical as I started this book, I was thinking it would be shallow and trite.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a book centered on the gospel and grounded in Scripture.   

There are three parts to this book, the first part sets the foundation.  A steady foundation is necessary for everyone, and it can only be found in Christ.  The author starts this book by pointing the reader to Christ.  He establishes the need for Christ as our foundation and source of fulfillment.  Our goal in life should be to glorify God, not find a husband, have children, etc.  I believe he does a great job of pointing the reader to the gospel and outlining Biblical guidelines for singleness and marriage.  

The second part of this book is a sketch of ten different types of men who would be wrong to date.  He is very direct and doesn’t sugarcoat his message.  He tells the reader directly, if you are dating this type of person, break it off.  He also allows for the grace of God.  For example, one type of person he encourages avoiding is a new Christian.  He argues that they need to focus on their relationship with Christ and growing in their faith.  They should not have the added concern of growing another relationship with you at the same time.  He is not saying this person should be forever scratched from your list of eligible bachelors.  He is however suggesting caution and patience.  Wait and allow that man to mature in his faith so he is ready to take on a position of leadership in his home.  You must wait until he is ready.  He continually goes back to the involvement of the Church.  You should never be dating in isolation.  This allows not only godly wisdom and advice to avoid such men, but it also allows for the perspectives of others outside the relationship to warn you if they see these habits in someone you are interested in dating.  If both parties are part of the same Church, then the elders and other members of the church will know both of you and can offer guidance according to their relationship with the person rather than just a one-time meeting.

The third section of the book offers encouragement as you wait and pursue a Godly man.  Waiting is hard; however, we are all waiting for Christ.  That should be our focus.  The Church should be continually pointing us to Christ and our ultimate goal of bringing glory to God.  Singleness is a valuable thing.  Paul encourages those who can remain single to do so as they are able to focus solely on God rather than the affairs of this world or pleasing a husband.  I know single women who have been great mentors and teachers to others.  They are able to open their home and life to others in a way a married woman could not.  The author encourages those who are waiting to find their strength in the Lord and the fellowship of their Church.  

I highly recommend this book to women of all ages and stages of life.  I believe young, single girls would benefit from reading this book and setting high standards as they enter the world of adulthood.  Women who have been single for a while, wondering if they will ever get married, can find encouragement and hope in this book as it reminds them of their worth in Christ.  Married women can also benefit from reading this book.  Too often I find myself promoting a high view of marriage without equally upholding a high view of singleness.  This book offers grace for those who have made mistakes as can only be found in Christ.  Read this book, and encourage others to read it as well.