Time is Short!
January 29, 2021
My baby turned a year old this week. There were definitely times over the past year that I was ready for him to be older, specifically sleeping through the night and nursing less. However, it was still kind of bittersweet for him to be turning one. He has left babyhood and embraced toddlerhood with zeal. As a 2020 baby, he has lacked a lot of the early experiences that his sister had at his age. For example, by the time she was a year old she had already spent days traveling in the car (and she was an amazing traveler) and had visited six different states. He has left our hometown only a handful of times. As I thought about how different this year has been and how that may impact his development (and possibly why he is so much more clingy to mommy), I had to remind myself of the positives. It is easy to jump on the downward spiral of why things are bad, but it is more important to dwell on the blessings of the past year.
Philippians 4:8 reminds us, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” The best way to keep our minds pure, is to guard our minds and dwell on the things of God. Rather than dwell on how bad things are or could be, I need to focus on God and all the blessings he gives.
God is in sovereign control of the universe. The events of the past year have not taken him by surprise. He is the one who puts governments into place. He controls every aspect of his creation, including viruses. Everything that is happening is according to his divine plan. Yes, death and disease are part of the curse. God does not rejoice in the suffering of his people or the groaning of the universe under the effects of sin. However, he does work everything according to his will and for his glory. We see such a narrow view of the world and our lives. God sees all of eternity. He knows which plan is the best; we must trust his sovereign plan.
Counting our blessings is better than worrying about things we can’t control! There is nothing I can do to stop a virus from mutating, but I can control my attitude while I sit in quarantine. I am thankful for extra time with my family. We were planning a switch to homeschooling this year anyway, but it has definitely been a good choice with all the uncertainty in the school systems right now. I have enjoyed being home with my children and taking care of my home. I am thankful for this new foray into writing. I have been told multiple times, “You should write a book,” or, “You need to write that down.” So here I am, writing things down. Hopefully it will prove as helpful for others to read as it has been for me to write. While we are in quarantine, I have had extra time with my husband at home as well as an extended visit with my mom, who is “stuck” here until we are all in the clear. I always enjoy being home (this stay at home order really hasn’t bothered me), but it is even better when it means extra time with people I love! My son may have had some limited interactions with people and the world in his first year of life, but he has developed some strong bonds with his family and the few people we see regularly. God has a reason for why this is happening. I don’t know if there is a bigger purpose, but I am enjoying the one that I can see...time with my family and time to focus more on my relationship with God.
Some days I do get “stir crazy”. I just want to go somewhere and do something. I feel the prick of my sin nature wanting to rebel against any and all of the mandates and just go everywhere and touch everything! However, most of the time I am content with where I am. “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11-13)
I have some friends who said goodbye to their seven year old this month. I know they would advise to soak in every moment, even those moments when your kids are driving you nuts. We don’t know how long we have. This is the place that God has given me today. These are the people he has entrusted to me. Rather than wish for what I do not have or long for somewhere that I cannot go, I must be faithful with what God has given me. My husband can be a good reminder when I need to check my bad attitude. A good man will tell you when you are in the wrong. I also try to remember to pray and ask God to adjust my attitude when I’m just complaining about every little thing. Laundry is one chore I do not enjoy, so I try to make it a time of prayer for my family. On the flip side, I actually enjoy doing dishes, and that is often a stress reliever for me. If you struggle to find joy in your day, look for just one thing you like. Focus on that one thing, and ask the Lord to expand your joy into other areas as well. Enjoy the time and tasks you have been given. You may miss them one day!